
In 1957 I was 17 in the July. It transpired that I couldn’t start Art College until I was 18 which gave me nine months with almost nothing to do having left school at the end of 1957. So, I joined the railway on my father’s advice and trained as a ticket clerk before being posted to Brighton Parcel Office where I had a thoroughly miserable time for six months. My goal was to save up enough money to acquire a decent horse – for, even in those early days, horse-riding was my favourite hobby. This drawing is an interior view of Brighton Parcel office.

The two colleagues with whom I worked knew I was about to leave in the summer and, strangely, all the money from the till went missing. I was hauled up by the railway police on my last day and accused of the theft - something I was entirely innocent of and I made that abundantly clear.

Approx 1957
